Get Involved!
It doesn’t matter how good at sport you are.
You can always get involved!
Wide Availability
At Durham sport can form as large a part of your lifestyle as you like; one of the fantastic things about the Collegiate System is the availability of sport to everyone - in fact 90% of Durham Students play sport at some point during their time here. Mildert has over thirty different teams covering a whole range of sports so there is sure to be a team for you - whether male or female, novice or pro, first year or finalist.
Countless Opportunities
Whether you were a schoolboy international, or reluctantly trudged to games each week at school, there will be a sport for you. Unlike other universities, where you often have to be in the top tier of athletes to compete for your university or face limited intra-mural matches, Durham provides a complete inter-collegiate league system. Mildert is no slouch in the annual league championship, regularly finishing in the top few colleges across a range of sports.
Fantastic Socials
Many of the sports we participate in at Mildert will be familiar to you from school, some of them may be new to you - the fantastic thing about sport at Mildert is you can take part in any sport you choose and at a level you feel comfortable with. All sports teams have regular socials where club members can mingle and get to know one another away from the sports fields; clubs also do their bit for the Mildert community, the annual Rugby Strip for DUCK (the University charities body) is just one example.

Sports on offer through Van Mildert JCR
We are the largest badminton club in the university, and also VM's second largest club. We have 8 teams (4 Men's, 3 Women's, and a Mixed team). Our Men's A and B team are regularly among the best performers in their respective leagues (Premiership and League 1) and have produced many players who now play for Durham. Our Men's C team is the beating heart of Mildert's Badminton social life, but also punches far above its weight in League 2. The Men's D team has recently been created to accommodate our burgeoning membership and accommodates players of all skill levels who are in search of fun and a training-ground to improve. Our Women's A team were promoted to the Premiership in 2017/18 with an unbeaten season. They, as well as our Women's B and C team (who take up places in league 1 and 2) are real powerhouses and great social hubs. Mildert is fortunate to have a court in the Ann Dobson Hall (the dining hall) so we can run training and social nights every day of the week. Also, our close proximity to the JCR, accommodation blocks, and the bar, allows us to be easily-accessible all year around. We're always happy to see new faces! The best example of our social-side is our weekly 'Social Badminton' session. During which anyone and everyone is free to come along and join in the fun. The occasional pizza is ordered, many a laugh is had, and on the whole you'll find it a wonderful and inclusive time! We also have regular socials. In recent years we've had a 'charity-shop social' where we had �5 to purchase the silliest of costumes for each other, a 'world cup social', and even a 'pear-themed social'. In summary, Van Mildert Badminton is an institution unlike any other. We're social, we're competitive, but most importantly we're a family. If you want to know more about Badminton at Mildert please get in touch! President: Tirian Bird Email: [email protected] Men's A Team Captain: Matt Livesey Email: [email protected] Women's Coordinator: Raphaela Washnig Email: [email protected]
Join Mildert Basketball to get to know all about basketball in Durham. College teams, University teams, local basketball, courts for shoot arounds, becoming a referee- we know it all.
We are the place to learn if you're new. We are the stepping stone for getting into university teams if you're keen. We are the place to come to just for a chill shoot around or a social every now and then.
Any level. Any experience. Any time.
The Van Mildert Cheerleading Team are the reigning champions of the Intercollegiate Cheerleading Competition for six years running! Cheerleading involves stunts, dance, jumps, tumbles and of course lots of smiles! The Van Mildert Cheerleaders are a dedicated and hardworking team. The team is made up of 3 squads: a main squad who perform all aspects of cheerleading, a girls stunt group and a coed stunt group. Look out for us competing at the Durham Intercollegiate Cheerleading Competition, performing at Mildert Day and cheering on the sidelines of matches! Please look out for us at the freshers fair where you can sign up for our taster session which will be held at the beginning of the Michaelmas term, giving you the opportunity to become a part of VM Cheer. Cheer is not just for girls, so we strongly encourage boys to sign up too! No previous experience is necessary and the majority of the team had never cheered before coming to Mildert!
We are a very social club and encourage anyone and everyone, regardless of ability, to come to our socials and one of the weekly one-hour net sessions we have in the second and third terms. We try to give everyone a chance to play in one of the many games we have through the year, and there is no better way to kill your ample free time after exams than playing cricket in the (occasional) sun. Our once-per-term socials are some of the best in college and not to be missed, and again, anyone and everyone, regardless of ability, will be welcomed on these with open arms. For more information, you should talk to anyone of our exec (find us on FB) and join our Facebook group: Van Mildert Village Cricket Club.
If Van Mildert was a body, VMAFC would be the pancreas, secreting banter and chat to keep College alive. Regardless of ability, VMAFC is a community for all who love the beautiful game. From the A's to the G's, each team has its own unique identity and customs, ensuring that no matter which team you end up on, it'll be the team for you. VMAFC is the biggest sports club in Mildert, with over 100 members, and is a great way to meet members of the College from different years. All teams compete in an intercollegiate league, with many Mildert teams being in the same league as one another, creating fierce rivalries and memorable matches (Shoutout to the team formerly known as the D's). Teams tend to train once a week, with some of the higher teams also having a weekly fitness session around the various hills of durham. Off the pitch, most teams hold Socials every few weeks. These are usually themed nights that are open to everyone, where freshers can have the option to test the limits of their liver. There are also whole club socials, which are some of the best socials to grace Van Mildert, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to meet members of every team, along with the football tour after exams to let your hair down and soak in some glorious banter.
Van Mildert Women's Football Club, VMWFC (f, noun): a bunch of enthusiastic, fun-loving and ambitious kindred spirits of all experience levels and skill. We welcome all women wishing to become involved in athletics and this glorious sport - whether you have experience playing before or not. We are made up of great individuals that form an even greater team that loves playing a round of footie together as much as it does partying into the late hours of the night. If you're looking to improve your fitness, release some stress or meet some awesome people, VMWFC is the team to join. #ThisGirlCan
VM Hockey is at an all-time high, winning the Floodlit Cup last year! We have both an A and B team, catering for both experienced players and also those who have never held a stick before. Throughout the year, VM Hockey play around 30 matches so there are plenty of opportunities to play. We also host regular socials which are very entertaining and lead to a very close-knit team!
Q: What's got 10 sticks, 1 ball, 20 legs, and likes nothing better than when you cradle the head, and keep a firm grip on the shaft? A: VM Mixed Lax #yay VM Mixed lax was reborn last year, with almost all of the team being made up of freshers who'd never played before (and who are all now much better at it than the Captain). If you're unfamiliar with the sport, it's like hockey and tennis had a really fun (and sometimes muddy) baby. If you're more familiar with it, we play with women's sticks and goal covers rather than a keeper, normally on grass and (ideally) even boys to girls. Come and join us- bring studs!
Van Mildert Netball Club is proud to be the biggest and most welcoming female sports team in Mildert! We now have 5 teams playing in every division of the intercollegiate league, so whether your goal is to attack Hild Bede As, or you just fancy a rebound from studying, we are open to all abilities. But there is no toss-up between serious training and serious fun. We hold regular socials that pivot around inventive themes so you can get to know your team mates, and a charity tournament in the summer, marking the end of what is set to be a fantastic season. Hope to see you on court!
Mildert has 4 pool teams and is the only sport in which men and women compete at the same level. Despite having competitive weekly matches in leagues of varying standards, pool is a very social sport with teams regularly made up by groups of friends. Mildert is one of few colleges to have a full sized snooker table as well as a pool table next to its bar so no wonder we are regularly near the top of the table. Being part of a pool team also gives you the chance to visit all of the other colleges for away matches and have a couple of shandies in their respective bars! We’re always on the look out for new players so do join!
Van Mildert College Rugby Football club offers the chance to enjoy college life in a way like no other. VMCRFC train once a week with matches on weekends, offering both a competitive level of sport in the Premiership division as well as a more relaxed approach to the game in the B team. Being one of only a few colleges to be able to field a 2nd VX, we cater for and encourage all players to join! Needless to say, the club flourishes both on and off the pitch, with regularly organised socials offering an opportunity to and mix with your teammates away from the rugby field. This season offers a fantastic opportunity for VMCRFC to gain success, so make sure you join the club to meet new people and make new friends, play some enjoyable rugby, and experience what will probably some of the best moments of your University career.
Milbut - the combined Josephine Butler and van Mildert rugby team - is made up of a group of fantastic young women with a great sense of humour who share an incredible team spirit and love for rugby. Still, this doesn't mean that you need a ton of experience as you start out; so many of the girls that have joined the team over the years have never played before coming to university so most of us know what's it like to be a beginner (in fact, some of us have just joined to be a part of the amazing socials, pizza and garlic bread). This doesn't mean we aren't great - we build a winning team as we all develop together. Many of our beginners and more experienced players go on to play at university level and beyond, and last year we won the College League and only lost in the hard fought Floodlit Cup Final. So do not hesitate to come along and play! We welcome anyone who likes to get muddy and have a great time. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us!
VMTC is one of the biggest and most successful college tennis teams in Durham, boasting 4 teams, 3 of which reached finals day last year. We usually have training sessions start of first term and starting back up when weather allows. As well as the tennis we have one of two socials every term, so this club has something for everyone.
University Sports
For those who wish to play at the elite level of sport, there could be no better place than Durham University. Durham finished second in the 2013-14 BUCS sports table, see the table here, quite a feat!

Team Durham provide an excellent environment to develop elite sport - there can be few better examples than Durham alumni Will Carling & Will Greenwood, both former England rugby; Nasser Hussain, former England cricket captain; Johnathan Edwards, a former Mildertian and simultaneous Olympic, World, Commonwealth and European champion in triple jump; and Andrew Strauss, current England cricket captain. The Team Durham website can be found here.

Facilities at Durham for both University and college level clubs are fantastic and are available for both University and College use. The athlete support structure is also extensive. Students can access a wide range of services including strength and conditioning, injury support, nutritional guidance and lifestyle management support.